Hi - you can print off a legal size pdf version of the new
Governor's Road Safety Petition by following the link. The text of the petition is copied below:
Whereas new elementary school construction on Governors Road will result in more children crossing or walking adjacent to Governors Road, and,
Whereas upon completion of the new school there will be two elementary schools and one high school on this short stretch of road, and,
Whereas children should have safe and active routes to school in order to gain emotional and physical benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and,
Whereas there is no pedestrian crossing point between Bridlewood and Creighton, and,
Whereas there is a direct relationship between vehicle speed and pedestrian fatality, and,
Whereas an engineered traffic calming solution is preferable and more effective than signs or flashing lights, and,
Whereas a city Transportation Master Plan study identifies Governors Road between Creighton and Bridlewood as a suitable location for bicycle lanes, and,
Whereas Governors Road is a historical roadway, being the first non aboriginal road constructed in Upper Canada,
We (the undersigned) request that the City of Hamilton take immediate steps to ensure safe driving, cycling and walking conditions on Governor’s Road, between Creighton and Bridlewood above and beyond posted crossing guards, flashing lights and signed school zone by,
- instituting physical traffic calming measures to effectively reduce the incidence of speeding vehicles i.e traffic medians, narrow lanes, roundabouts, as deemed appropriate to calm traffic
- initiate an Environmental Assessment process if required to make changes to the roadway in keeping with traffic calming goals
- install proper bicycle lane facilities and wide sidewalks to encourage active and safe routes to school
- create a pedestrian crossing at or near Governors and Huntingwood
- plant native vegetation on both sides of Governors Road where feasible to help create a comfortable pedestrian environment
- install an attractive gateway feature that pays homage to the historical significance of the road and alerts drivers to the school zone